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What's happened to the Falcon Players?

Not surprisingly, this is one of many questions being asked by those who have previously enjoyed our shows. With no show planned for our usual forthcoming October slot - hopefully here we can answer some of the most asked questions.

Has the group closed down?

We are pleased to say the answer to this is no! After our well received May 2009 play A Bolt From the Blue we have decided to take a break for the remainder of the year. During this time the group has still been meeting on a lesser frequency at our rehearsal room, along with taking part in many other social events.

Why are you not putting on another show this year?

This comes down to two elements  - money and people. Our last few shows have cost more to put on than they generated in ticket revenue. There are numerous costs for putting on a show ranging from hiring the theatre to advertising and we have to sell the majority of our tickets (which we've been unable to do) to cover these costs. Therefore it's not difficult to see that if we carried on we would have eventually run out of money! That's why we decided to put the brakes on and take stock of what we need to do in the future before returning.

We also don't have any members available at present to produce a show. Directing takes up a huge amount of time and so it can be difficult for those willing to do it to commit if they have other calls upon their time.

What are your future plans?

As yet nothing has been agreed for definite. However we hope that in the new year our members will have more time to put on a show. We have tentatively pencilled this in for April 2010, although of course things may change. We aim to put on something well known and very popular to help boost sales too.

How will I know when you are back?

We will be advertising as usual in the Loughborough Echo nearer the time and this website will be updated with any new developments as and when they happen.


We look forward to seeing you again in 2010 - please check this site from time to time for further announcements.